Bullshit ramblings that don't qualify as poetry...
2002-09-16, 11:17 p.m.
I go outside until the wind tells me to leave -
Go inside.
Get away.
Exams tomorrow, haven't cracked a book....
Just sitting around writing shitty poetry...
Smoking shitty cigarettes...
Nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to be...
What's happened to me?
I want the be that little girl,
Always knew where she was going
Even though she had no destination...
I want to go back before I knew
Right and wrong, right and left....
Before I knew that boys had dicks,
Knew that dicks could hurt you...
Caught in my own psychological adversity.
Fuck diversity.
I've been queer so long
I wouldn't know how to be straight -
Wouldn't know how to act, what to do...
Too butch to be femme, too femme to be butch -
Who made the fucking titles anyway?
I'm sorry I fucked your daughter
Instead of your son...
But I didn't make those rules...
I guess I just have too much time to think and
Not enough time just to be.
I guess I should get out more,
Drop my guard...
But I know that everyone out there just wants
Their numbers in you pockets
And their fingers inside of you...
So fuck it.
I'm just going to sit here with
my thoughts, the cold, and my shitty smokes...
And see which one kills me first.
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